MAGICBOX 2016 – 2024

Production management
June 2024
Odense, Denmark

For the eighth year already, Unlimited Productions provided the full technical production of the Magicbox area at Tinderbox festival in Odense, Denmark. This year with a new stage design consisting of a huge truss circle as main object in the center of the stage.

The theme of the stage was: “Portal of reflection” which came back in both scenic materials as well as video content for the big LED screens in the wings and center stage. New this year were the time-coded shows at the end of each show day.

Besides the stage we also extended the bar areas underneath the scaffold VIP decks to maximize the floor capacity. And we provided the lighting around the Cupra activation in the water.

Thanks for your trust DTD Group and special thanks to all our partners!

Stage design by: Live Legends
Photocredits: Casper Sørensen