Event production abroad? Four challenges and three solutions

A large event production abroad? What do you run into, what are the challenges and how do you solve it? An event production abroad requires expertise, know-how and, by definition, a good production partner. EventBranche.nl followed us through our journey around the TCS Summit in Lisbon.

What is the TCS Summit?

The TCS Summit is Europe’s premier leadership conference where C-level stakeholders come together to learn from global influencers in politics, sport and business.

The importance of TCS Summit for the client

Client TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) was very aware of the risk of such a large production. Joost Galema, Head of Communications (Europe), and Geeske Doeve, Head of Events (Europe and UK), of TCS look back with satisfaction and indicate the importance of the TCS Summit for Tata Consultancy Services, but also the risk of the impressive production. Together with MCI The Netherlands, a team of professionals was put together to achieve a valuable summit as one team in a difficult period:

“The event is one of the most important means for TCS to communicate our thought leadership and brand experience & content – this requires close collaboration between all parties, including ourselves as the client, on all fronts, from content and form to logistics. Doing such a large production for a company like ours, which invites its C-level stakeholders abroad, is a great challenge,” Doeve and Galema look back on the professional cooperation between MCI The Netherlands, Unlimited Productions, Live Legends, Faber Audiovisuals, EUROPALCO and other suppliers.

Mutual trust is essential

“Such a production has a long preparation, but this edition of the TCS Summit also had to deal with the extinction of the pandemic, the uncertainty that came with it and the flexibility that had to be built in as a result. When it comes to this, it is not only important that you have the right agencies, but above all that there is mutual trust, between the people of all parties and us as a client. There are always risks, things that do not go as expected and setbacks. The time and location made this even more complicated at this summit. The courage to do it and trust (‘belief’) of all parties in the result, but also in each other, is essential”, Doeve and Galema explain the success of the event and the professional cooperation with the various parties.

What role did Unlimited Productions have?

Unlimited Productions was responsible for the technical production of this conference, including the welcome reception and the Gala. “We are pleased to have contributed to another successful event on behalf of MCI The Netherlands. Thanks to MCI The Netherlands, Live Legends, Faber Audiovisuals, EUROPALCO and all other crew & suppliers involved for the great collaboration to make this a success. What a teamwork.”

The organization of the TCS Summit was not only a powerful teamwork between various experts, but also had the technical production abroad as an extra challenge. EventBranche.nl spoke to Unlimited Productions to see what the challenges and lessons are in an event production abroad.

What do you run into when organizing and producing an event abroad?

4 challenges:

  1. Level of material and labor.
  2. Culture in work and therefore also working hours.
  3. Flexibility from your partners.
  4. Search for the right partners for your project.

Are there any tips, do’s and/or don’ts that come with a foreign production?

3 solutions:

“The golden tip is to look for and find the right combination of your own expertise and local partners. That is also the only way to keep transport as low as possible. So you bundle your own knowledge with the right local materials and labor.”

“It is very important to start the collaborations early, because time and attention are needed to achieve a good workable relationship with the local partners.”

“Not only does that work more effectively and better, but by building that relationship well, you create commitment and you really work together towards a common goal.”

Why was the TCS Summit a top production from a technical producer’s point of view?

“The strength of the TCS Summit was mainly the translation from concept to technique and decor. The integration of video in the design and concept, the low ceiling and the challenging logistical route to the ballroom made TCS a beautiful and successful challenge. In addition, we were very proud of the development of the digital trees with curved interactive LED lines.The local search for partners, to bring all these disciplines together while maintaining the size and standard of Unlimited Productions and MCI, succeeded perfectly. “

Aftermovie TCS Summit Lisbon:

You can read the full article (in Dutch) here.