Meet the Team: Joost Passenier

Commitment, flexibility and teamwork are some of the qualities of our crew. Unlimited Productions offers the creative and technical expertise to make your event memorable and effective. Because you might not know all the faces behind Unlimited Productions, we’d like to introduce the team to you, one by one.

Next up: Joost Passenier

Hi! Who are you and what’s your role?
Hello! I am Joost Passenier, currently 46 years of age and proud father of two sons, Milan (14) and Dex (0). I was born and raised in Tilburg City where I live with my love Irene. I am one of the Project & Production Managers at Unlimited Productions.

How did you end up working with Unlimited Productions?
I’ve been working in the event industry for several years. During this time I gained experience and expertise on Food and Beverage productions, Site, Safety and Technical production. Last year I worked with Unlimited Productions on several occasions and different projects. The atmosphere amongst the people at Unlimited Productions was always fun and the events were awesome. Last February I became a father again after 13 years so life was changing! So one thing led to another and after some good conversations and a few cups of coffee I joined the team.

Can you tell us a bit about your day?
My day starts with a cup of coffee, without it, it won’t be very productive. 😉  No day is the same and that is what I like about them, never dull and always  different. I like to make drawings of an event because when I am drawing, my mind is going places. I like to think things through and visualize how it can be done in the best way. Meetings and phone calls are another part of my day. Meeting new people, working with great experience and bonding as a team is what makes my day great. It may sound a bit old fashioned but I prefer to take meetings in person, because a handshake or a look in the eye, to me is still very valuable. Some days a week I work from home and other days from the office, while a day on site will always be my favorite day. 

What makes working for Unlimited Productions great?
Working for Unlimited Productions is great because of the team, which is extremely capable, bringing a lot of expertise to the table, has room for fun, mistakes, and is always standing by to help out or to give guidance.  I am learning something new every day in a great environment working on awesome projects.

What makes Unlimited Productions different from other technical production companies?
I think that there is not only eye for the projects, the clients, suppliers and the team, but with the same dedication and motivation there is eye for the company itself. Thinking a few steps ahead, being innovative and creative, steering the company into the future because of vision and not just because of growth. That’s what makes Unlimited Productions different.

What has been your favorite Unlimited Production so far?
I would have to say The Dutch Veterans Day 2022. It was my first production as a (freelance) production manager for Unlimited Productions. I got to work with an awesome team, a great client and so many beautiful and remarkable people. We created an area made of pontoons at the pond in front of the Dutch parliament. Many soldiers received a medal, handed by the King. There was live TV coverage and a defilé through the city of The Hague, and a great gathering of Veterans at the Malieveld. It was such a special event.  It was humbling and an honor to be part of this project.

What do you do in your free time?
As a former freelancer in the event industry, I am not used to having a lot of free time. 😉  But mainly I like to spend my time at home with my family and just enjoying life. Going to the beach, lighting the barbecue and watching a good movie or series or going out on a walk. I also like to make my own bracelets made of gemstones.

What inspires you?
People with passion! In their jobs, in their hobbies, in life. Passion is a huge inspiration for me. I also get inspired by creativity and as my former colleagues would say ”people with a hoekske eraf”; the misfits, the crazy ones.

What is one word that you would use to describe your team (or our company)?

 If you did not do your current job, what would you like to do?
I like to work with people, and during the pandemic I worked at a VIC (very intensive care) unit in a National expertise center for children with inexplicable behavior. I learned a lot working there, and I think that I would still be working there if I didn’t have my current job.

What’s the most memorable event you’ve ever been to and why?
I can’t name one, there have been so many memorable events and for so many different reasons. Mystic Garden: after the lockdown. Everyone was loaded with emotion, ready to go, Dreamteam! Beautiful people! Awesome project!  Powerhour at Defqon1: It is mindblowing to see so many people create a small earthquake. The soundcheck and show runthrough of Thunderdome (in an empty hall) still gives me goosebumps. Being a boatmanager of the Rituals boat during the pride: (we built the boat ourselves with an awesome team) so much love and so many people. Veteranendag: so much emotion at the medal ceremony. Seeing the old veterans parade through the city, the honor and pride is overwhelming.

If you could choose any show or production, what would be the one you would like to work on?
I would like to be part of the production of the Olympic games, in any country. Such a big project, so many stakeholders and partners, such an international event. This would definitely be a challenge I would accept.

Please come up with a question for your colleague that we will interview next.
What makes your heart beat a little faster, what makes you jump out of bed in the morning?