Meet the Team 18 Jan Maarten Luijnenburg

Meet the Team: Jan-Maarten Luijnenburg

Commitment, flexibility and teamwork are some of the qualities of our crew. Unlimited Productions offers the creative and technical expertise to make your event memorable and effective. Because you might not know all the faces behind Unlimited Productions, we’d like to introduce the team to you, one by one.

Next up: Jan-Maarten Luijnenburg

Hi! Who are you and what’s your role?

Hey! My name is Jan-Maarten Luijnenburg, age 34 and living in Haarlem. Within Unlimited Productions, I’m responsible for the project organisation and team of project managers in the role of Head of Projects. Besides that, I still run a few projects a year myself because being on the floor and creating unique experiences is still one of the best things about my job.

How did you end up at Unlimited Productions?

After my bachelor degree, I worked in events for a few years, both in The Netherlands as well as abroad. I left the events industry to work in the family business and as a transition manager but decided to return after 4 years. I missed the unique vibe, challenges and dynamics in the events industry. Around this time I met Olivier Monod de Froideville, from Livetime Productions at that time, and we stayed in touch. I worked as a producer for an agency for a few years and called Olivier every few months if there was a job opening. Two years ago this persistence paid off and I became part of the Unlimited Productions family!

Can you tell us a bit about your day?

Just like all my colleagues who have been in this column I have to say not a single day is the same at Unlimited Productions, which is part of why I love what I do. Monday’s are currently a lot of weekly management meetings but other days I spend supporting our project managers, talking to clients, developing new ideas for our organisation and working on my own projects! These tasks vary from site visits to consulting with suppliers and budgeting. Of course, I am also on-site at projects seeing it all come together. It is great to have this variety in tasks and responsibilities. 

What’s the best part of your job?

The feeling when a plan comes together and arises on-site. 

What makes working for Unlimited Productions great? 

The team of people around me and the variety in productions! It is very inspiring to see the end result that our team creates in challenging situations. Besides that, we are really one family where we can lean on each other’s expertise. The fact that we work across all different event types, from festival to corporate events both local and global, keeps the job interesting. For one project we are aiming at setting up a large festival site in a complex city environment and for the next one we are thinking about every detail for a high-end corporate event. 

What makes Unlimited Productions different from other technical production companies?

The eye for detail ensures complete control of all aspects of a production. This allows us to have fun on-site and creates a relaxed atmosphere to work in for clients, crew and suppliers. This strengthens everyone’s qualities resulting in the best outcome. 

What has been your favourite Unlimited Production so far?

This is a difficult question to answer but I would have to say the tribute of the Dutch Women Soccer Team in 2019. This actually never took place as they lost to the US. We were already building on-site when they lost but the process of getting there highlights our expertise and strengths. We produced the entire 50.000+ visitors event in just one week in high-season. A team worked live at Amsterdam City Hall together with our client and all public services such as police and crowd control to get it done. 

What advice would you give to anyone who is thinking of organising an event?

Involve a technical production company, preferably us ;), at an early stage in your event. We are there to consult, independent of materials or suppliers, which will create focus on enhancing and strengthening your event and/or message. We know the market, venues and possibilities. Technology and infrastructure are there to support your event and should never be leading in your choices. 

What do you do in your free time?

The entire team knows they don’t have to call me when the wind is above 5bft. I’ll be on the water kitesurfing then which is the perfect way to clear my mind. When the wind is not blowing, I still like to spend time on the beach with friends and my girlfriend. The beach, which is luckily only twenty minutes from my house, balances the busy times at Unlimited Productions. 

What inspires you?

The people around me!  

If you did not do your current job, what would you like to do?

There is a reason I returned to this business, I don’t want to do anything else. 

What is one word that you would use to describe your team?

The best!

If you have to choose a different country or city apart from the Netherlands to live in; where would it be? And why? 

It would be in South Africa, Brazil or any other place where there is sun and wind 300+ days a year. 

Please come up with a question for your colleague that we will interview next.

Which event would you like to produce in your career and why?