Meet the Team: Marco van Uden

Commitment, flexibility and teamwork are some of the qualities of our crew. Unlimited Productions offers the creative and technical expertise to make your event memorable and effective. Because you might not know all the faces behind Unlimited Productions, we’d like to introduce the team to you, one by one.

Next up: Marco van Uden

Hi! Who are you and what’s your role?
My name is Marco van Uden, I’m 38 years old, father of Ruby (4) and Ian (0) and I live with Linda in Den Dungen, a small village next to Den Bosch. (Also known as Maaskantje). I’m project manager at Unlimited Productions.

How did you end up working with Unlimited Productions?
I used to work in events since 2005 in different roles and at different companies. Started out as a stage builder and ended up in production. During the covid pandemic I had a break from the event branch and worked in construction for 2 years. But construction hasn’t got the same level of dynamics and the goal oriented way of thinking that I was used to, so that marriage didn’t last long. Right at the moment I’d quit the job I saw a vacancy at Unlimited Productions and because of some old connections I had myself invited for a cup of coffee rather quickly. The feeling was really good, the company, the projects, the colleagues and the way of working all appealed to me instantly, so my mind was made up quickly to transfer back into events.

Can you tell us a bit about your day?
At first a day is never the same. We work on multiple projects for multiple clients at the same time, so every day consists of different activities. In pre-production a working day can consist of making drawings, scripts and plannings, having meetings with colleagues, clients or suppliers. At the office, on site or different locations. During production we work on site, which can be anywhere. So a great variety of activities.

What makes working for Unlimited Productions great?
Working at Unlimited Productions is great because of the great variety of interesting projects, the great colleagues with a lot of knowledge, connections and professionalism. Also the very good conditions we can work in, with systems, documents and tools. The structure within the company with the different departments (CAD, purchase and backoffice) results in an efficient working environment.

What makes Unlimited Productions different from other technical production companies?
I think you shouldn’t compare yourself with other production companies, it’s best to look at yourself. By now I know that we do a lot of things very well, but we are always looking to improve and that’s the right way to go. There is always room for improvement or innovation. Trying to achieve that is something that characterizes Unlimited Productions. If I do have to make a comparison: this is by far the best and most professional production company I have worked at.

What has been your favorite Unlimited Production so far?
My favorite production so far is Veteranendag 2023. It is a very interesting and challenging project for a great client. Multiple locations throughout The Hague, live television production, attendance of The King and all for those who served the country abroad.

What do you do in your free time?
The most part of my free time goes to, of course, my family and next to that I’d like to spend time on basketball and music. Watching a lot of NBA games and still playing three times a week myself trying to stay away from retirement. Next to that I am a youth coach and chairman of the technical commission of the local basketball club. I also like to go to concerts, festivals and listen to music as much as possible.

What inspires you?
Exceptional athletes and musicians who perform on the highest level and stay humble, being a great human being and trying to uplift others. Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dave Grohl for example.

What is one word that you would use to describe your team (or our company)?

What is the biggest mistake you ever made but worked out well in the end? (Like the Olympics rings a couple years ago)
Tough question. Most of the time I don’t feel very Olympic making mistakes.

What’s the most memorable event you’ve ever been to and why?
Splash! Festival in Germany. First of all the event is being held at an old quarry with all the big machines still there, which makes a great sight. Next to that it’s the biggest hiphop festival I ever went to and up to then I didn’t know they existed that great.

If you could choose any show or production, what would be the one you would like to work on?
A worldly big sports event, like the Olympics or the X-Games. And big music festivals like Pukkelpop or Rock am Ring.

Please come up with a question for your colleague that we will interview next.
What is it about the event business that you like most and keeps you locked in?