Meet the Team: Tom Barbier

Commitment, flexibility and teamwork are some of the qualities of our crew. Unlimited Productions offers the creative and technical expertise to make your event memorable and effective. Because you might not know all the faces behind Unlimited Productions, we’d like to introduce the team to you, one by one.

Next up: Tom Barbier

Hi! Who are you and what’s your role?

Hi, I’m Tom Barbier. Right now, I’m studying Event Management at BUas Breda, and I’m doing a six-month internship in production. As a production intern, you get to join different events and learn how they’re put together. You might do things like help out on-site, assist with production, and pitch in wherever there’s a need.

How did you end up working with Unlimited Productions?

I found Unlimited Productions through LinkedIn. I was looking for interesting companies, and as I clicked through various businesses, I ended up at Unlimited Productions. I sent an open application, inquiring about their interest in an internship for production. After that, I was invited for an intake interview, and there was a mutual connection. Following that, I had another conversation, and that’s how I ended up here!

Can you tell us a bit about your week?

My week is quite varied. I go to meetings with clients and colleagues, and I’m also involved in ordering materials and communicating with suppliers. Additionally, I have my own project where I focus on logistics and furniture. For example, I worked with a colleague on drawing up plans for all the furniture, checking and mapping them for clarity in the pre-production phase. And when it comes to logistics, it involves planning when suppliers arrive and when they need to arrive so that the event is set up on time for the visitors.

What makes working for Unlimited Productions great?

The colleagues are great, creating a fantastic atmosphere. I find that crucial when choosing where to work. There’s so much knowledge at Unlimited Productions, allowing you to continually learn.

What makes Unlimited Productions different from other technical production companies?


What has been your favorite Unlimited Production so far?

My favorite Unlimited production so far is ‘Live on the Beach.’ It’s a 3-day concert series on the beach of Scheveningen. During this production, I worked as a production assistant and assisted wherever possible. Walter teached me a lot, explaining the role of a project manager, including coordinating different services, overseeing site production, and handling technical production.

What do you do in your free time?

In my free time, I’m often at my scouting group in The Hague, where I lead a group engaged in weekly activities. Additionally, I enjoy bouldering, playing the guitar, listening to music, and, of course, attending concerts. My most enjoyable concert was ‘Wies’ at Tivoli Vredenburg.

What inspires you?

It inspires me to create enjoyable experiences for people. I want them to have a good time and be happy with the exciting things we create.

What makes your heart beat a little faster, what makes you jump out of bed in the morning?

I wake up with music, and I go to bed with music. So, a concert by a great artist also makes my heart beat faster. 

What’s the most memorable event you’ve ever been to and why?

When I was working as a freelancer, I had the opportunity to work as a stagehand for Pinkpop. The most memorable aspect of the job was the excellent lineup of artists.

If you could choose any show or production, what would be the one you would like to work on?

Someday, I’d like to work on the production of ‘Vrienden van Amstel.

Can you name a specific challenge you overcame during your internship and how you handled it?

During my internship, I had a very large and intense assignment. I was amazed at the speed of the load-in and load-out. I had to plan carefully for when suppliers would arrive. After the event, I coordinated to ensure everything went to the right supplier. My colleagues prepared me for this, and that’s how I truly overcame it.

What are the key skills you’ve learned during your internship at Unlimited Productions?

The key skill I’ve learned is communication. Understanding each other better is crucial in this job. You work with so many different people—clients, suppliers, and freelancers. Since you depend on each other, smooth communication makes getting things done much easier.

What would you say to other students or professionals considering an internship at Unlimited Productions?

At Unlimited Productions, you can learn a lot. Where you show interest, you can learn. There are many professionals who can teach you the disciplines. You can learn back-office work, technical production, and more at Unlimited Productions.

Have you discovered new interests or passions during your internship at Unlimited Productions that you didn’t have before?

I’ve become even more passionate about production. I now have a clearer understanding of what it involves and the different areas where you can specialize.

Ask a question to your colleague who we will interview next.

What is your favorite midnight snack during an event?