Meet the Team: Floor Slurink

Commitment, flexibility and teamwork are some of the qualities of our crew. Unlimited Productions offers the creative and technical expertise to make your event memorable and effective. Because you might not know all the faces behind Unlimited Productions, we’d like to introduce the team to you, one by one.

Next up: Floor Slurink

Hi! Who are you and what’s your role?

Hi there! My name is Floor Slurink and I am a Production Manager at Unlimited Productions.

How did you end up at Unlimited Productions?

Before Unlimited Productions I worked for BOD Events where I was the Production Manager of Breda Live, Wantijpop, Live at Wantij, ASM Festival and every edition of Dancetour all over the Netherlands (about 8 to 10 editions each year). Unlimited Productions always took care (and they/we still do) of the technical part of each production. So, from a clients point of view, it was always great to work with Unlimited Productions because of their flexibility, knowledge and good communication. Besides, they always sent me the most genius structured documents and I am a sucker for well-thought structured documents – especially Spreadsheets (many people who know me well can confirm).

So after three years producing all the above mentioned events, I figured it was time to learn more and therefore I decided to go for a job at Unlimited Productions. A few calls, laughs, talks and negotiations later I proudly signed the contract.

Can you tell us a bit about your day?

Each day is different and that is what I love – I am definitely not the person for a ‘same tasks every day’ 9.00 – 17.00 job. Each project is a puzzle needing to be solved and each day you get new pieces that won’t always fit. However you have to make them fit and that’s where the fun challenging part comes in; deciding on resources and coming up with solutions to make it work.

What’s the best part of your job?

Definitely just starting a project at 0% and working towards 100% (preferably 120%) within a limited amount of time. I like drawing maps and figuring out the best way to position area’s and all objects in them so visitors would have the best experience possible. I am a visual thinker so I always imagine myself walking the route (from the entrance to headbanging in front of the barriers). Due to that, I can eliminate possible complications (for example jams) and make the whole experience positively unforgettable.

What makes working for Unlimited Productions great?

My colleagues. Unlimited Productions is a master brain itself with fun people in it who all have their own specialization(s) – that’s why I learn more each day because I can always ask them for advice and they are always willing to help out by sharing their knowledge. Teamwork makes the dream work!

What makes Unlimited Productions different from other technical production companies?

In my opinion, Unlimited Productions is different from any other technical production company because of the great team dynamic. In addition to that, we are all able to overview all aspects of the production in combination with having the willingness and knowledge ourselves to complete a job during the production. For example, when building the temporary hospital in Ahoy, we all helped build it instead of managing the project.

What has been your favourite Unlimited Production so far?

That would be the ‘De Nederlandse Veteranendag’.

Such a thankful event to produce although it was different than before because of COVID-19. Looking forward to next year’s edition!

What advice would you give to anyone who is thinking of organising an event?

Think twice – it is so much fun to do but do not underestimate the process if you don’t have any experience whatsoever (that’s where Unlimited Productions comes in). It is important to look at the project from a visitors point of view if it comes down to facilities, journey, stimulation of senses and comfort. Also, you have to keep in mind that you are responsible for the visitor from the moment he/she leaves his/her home until he/she is back. For example – make sure transportation is available and if the event is in the woods, make sure to light their way back and to take care of the right signing so they know where to go.

Moreover, it is good to know the materials you rent with suppliers – how they are loaded, how they are put down, how they are built and so forth to order, plan and draw the map of the production as efficient as possible.

But long story short – just involve us and you’ll be fine.

What do you do in your free time?

I love hanging out with my boyfriend, friends and family and besides that, I practice Krav Maga (military fighting/self-defence) three times a week. On Tuesday nights I study Mental Coaching and during the weekends I party or rest from partying. During COVID-19 a lot less partying and a lot more regular chilling but enjoying life every single day.

What inspires you?

Seeing people dancing and being happy at an event that I produced makes me a little bit emotional (still a woman), very proud but most importantly – it motivates me to do more productions.

If you did not do your current job, what would you like to do?

So when I turned 16 I immediately knew that I wanted to produce festivals and now 10 years later I still know, without a doubt, that I want to produce events. But that’s no answer. If I have to choose another job I think I would like to be an Artist Manager purely because I think the job would fit my character, skills and abilities. I am definitely 100% sure that I DO NOT ever want to leave the events/music industry.

What is one word that you would use to describe your team?


Which event would you like to produce in your career and why?

Burning Man – because of the level of creativity and amount of challenges this production brings with it since it is located in the desert. 

Please come up with a question for your colleague that we will interview next.

Who is your favourite colleague?
No ehm.. Where do you see yourself in about 5 years from now?