Meet the Team: Mattyn van den Berg

Commitment, flexibility and teamwork are some of the qualities of our crew. Unlimited Productions offers the creative and technical expertise to make your event memorable and effective. Because you might not know all the faces behind Unlimited Productions, we’d like to introduce the team to you, one by one.

Next up: Mattyn van den Berg

Hi! Who are you and what’s your role?

Hi! My name is Mattyn van den Berg, and I have been the Warehouse Manager at Unlimited Productions since March 2020.

How did you end up at Unlimited Productions?

That’s a funny story! My brother-in-law already worked at Unlimited Productions, and he asked me at the diner table if I knew someone who would like to take care of the warehouse. I was enthusiastic about the job description and went for a job interview. Now here we are!

Can you tell us a bit about your day?

My days can be very different; from checking all the tool & production cases if they are complete to making quotations and packing slips for all our project managers with the different products we have. But also driving between different locations and making sure our production equipment is on location on time.

What’s the best part of your job?

The diversity really appeals to me, not being a 9 to 5 job. Furthermore, being one of the first people on site for every production to see how a location can change from nothing to an amazing production, is one of the nicest things.

What makes working for Unlimited Productions so great?

Again, the diversity and not being part of a company but being part of a family. Besides, you get lots of chances to develop yourself and explore the things you like to do.

What makes Unlimited Productions different from other technical production companies?

The fact that everyone is equal and we create a production as a whole team, not individually makes Unlimited Productions really different from other companies. Besides the teamwork we own a big warehouse with our own production equipment to serve our clients and partners even better.

What has been your favorite Unlimited Production or proceedings so far?

FOUR FREEDOMS AWARDS 2021, because this was the first production I got the chance to not only deliver all the materials but also be a part of the production as well as the show.

What do you do in your free time?

I love to see the world through my cameras. In addition, I like to dive into other worlds through video games, including in my racing sim.

What inspires you?

The passion and ambition from people around me, and seeing how every idea plans out to something real.

If you did not do your current job, what would you like to do?

I never really give it that much thought because I really like the place I am in right now, but if I had to say something I think I’ll be a freelance photographer and maybe have my own studio.

What is one word that you would use to describe your team (or our company)?


Where do you see yourself in about 5 years from now?

I would love to help with concepts for our productions and creating content/visuals for Unlimited Productions.

Please come up with a question for your colleague that we will interview next.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?