
Meet the Team: Bert Kelchtermans

Commitment, flexibility and teamwork are some of the qualities of our crew. Unlimited Productions offers the creative and technical expertise to make your event effective & memorable. Because you might not know all the faces behind Unlimited Productions, we’d like to introduce the team to you, one by one. 

First up, Bert Kelchtermans.

Hi Bert, please introduce yourself! Who are you and what’s your role?
My name is Bert Kelchtermans and my role is Project Manager but also Light & AV Designer / Operator. Depending on the project I will make a complete light design or run the project as project manager, keeping track of all technical element and budgets.

How did you end up at Unlimited Productions?
In the beginning when Unlimited Productions was mainly working for Tiësto, Ferry Corsten was looking for someone who could do lights and visuals for his shows. Koen De Puysseleir who was doing this for Tiësto at this time was an old colleague of mine at EML (now PRG Belgium). He contacted me asking me if I would like to do this job. The others he asked didn’t want to be away from home every week, but at this time it looked like a great opportunity for me as I was looking at a new challenge.

Can you tell us a bit about your day?
Depending on if I’m on a show or at the office preparing the next one. On an office day I usually I get to Breda around 10am depending on traffic as I try to avoid traffic jams. For the rest my day mainly consists of emails, making technical drawings and having fun with my colleagues. During production every day is different. 

Three must haves during production?
A good shower in the hotel. Curtains that can full black out the room and a nice drink after a day on site. I guess I would need my cellphone and laptop most while actually being on site.

What makes working for Unlimited Productions great?
It’s still a young company that is still evolving. It’s nice to know that you actually are building on something with a dedicated team.

And what has been your favorite Unlimited Production so far?
Hard to choose one, luckily our productions are all very different from each other. From high-end corporate to a one off DJ show or a festival. Every type of production and the function I have during it makes it a complete different experience for me, so that makes them fun.

What makes Unlimited Productions different from other technical production companies?
I think our wide variety of shows and the young team we have running them brings a different way of handeling challenges. And the fact that most of the team is good friends besides work makes you sometimes forget you are actually at work.

What’s the best part of your job?
Most of the time I get to pick my own hours of working as long as I get my work done. Sometimes I start late but keep working till midnight, other days I have a normal office day. So that freedom is nice to have.